Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
The Beautiful Lady Is Sad Because She Asks for Prayers, but She Is Not Heard
Message from Saint Bernadette to the Holy Trinity Love Group in Oliveto Citra, Salerno, Italy on December 3, 2023, First Sunday of the Month

My little brothers, my little sisters, it is I, I am your little sister Bernadette. I longed to speak to you, I must always wait for God the Father Almighty to give Me permission. The Beautiful Lady is in your midst, close your eyes and you can see Her with your heart, She is opening Her arms and covering you all with Her Mantle.
Today I wish to give you great joy, you will drink the water of Lourdes, even if Lourdes is far away from you, nothing is impossible to God the Father Almighty, His presence is wherever you wish. The world does not have faith in God the Father Almighty. People are seeking truth, they are seeking love, they are seeking joy, but they do not find all this because they do not pray. Talk to Jesus every day, He hears you because He desires to guide you. He desires to give peace and joy in sad, distressed hearts, you often bring pain to yourselves by going against the Commandments of God the Father Almighty. Ask for forgiveness when you realize you have made mistakes, be humble, very humble, do not allow evil to prey on you. He is looking for weak souls to bring discord, to spread hatred, to confuse the truth.
The places where the Beautiful Lady has appeared and worked will be exalted in the world, but only those where the will of God the Father Almighty has been fulfilled.
The world will seek conversion when it is terrified of what will happen, chastisements, wars, to purify the souls that will reach Heaven. The Beautiful Lady is sad because She asks for prayers, but She is not heard. Consider more prayer that is the weapon against everything bad, prayer is the food for your souls, do not forget this.
Receive My help, so that your souls may come closer to love, the pure love of Our Brother Jesus. He loves, loves, loves unconditionally even those who despise Him and do not believe in Him, His persevering love will bring many to salvation. Now take the water, the Beautiful Lady said to me, "Bernadette, go to the spring and drink the water". But I did not see Her and began to dig without doubting Her words, now my little brothers and sisters, dig into your hearts, bring out purity, forgive and be forgiven. The Beautiful Lady blessed the water, now drink, you will feel a burning within you, it is the sign that this has become the water of Lourdes, drink. Sing a song to the Beautiful Lady.
"I am the Immaculate Conception," She said to Me. Little brothers, little sisters, the world will have to accept this great truth. I love you, I am very happy because many of you are very happy with this My Manifestation, I will return very soon, because I desire it so much.
Now I must go, the Beautiful Lady is calling Me, She blesses us all, in the name of Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I love you.